BECOME A member
Join Ihawu Firearm Centres Club
You will need to bring along 2 x ID photos. You will need to come in and fill out the member form and pay our yearly club fees, We have cash and card facilities available. Our club year runs from March to March every year. You are required to attend the New Shooter Orientation before attending a Club Shoot. Only once you have attended a club shoot, you will be able to get a Letter of good standing. If you have not attended one, then you will only get a letter stating you are a member of Ihawu Firearm Centre.
Membership Benefits: (Only applicable on presentation of your CLUB CARD)
o Membership of Ihawu Shooting Club and Mapstone Shooting Range.
o Invited to Attend Organised Ihawu Club Shoots at Ihawu and Mapstone Shooting Ranges.
o Access to Mapstone Shooting Range on Non-Club days.
o Option to be added to the Club WhatsApp groups.
o Option to Purchase 2023 Club Shirt.
o Includes all range fees at Ihawu Shooting Range for the duration of 2023 membership.
o Includes all range fees for Ihawu Club shoots at Mapstone for the duration of 2023.
Platinum membership - R1 600 per year
Membership Benefits: (Only applicable on presentation of your CLUB CARD)
Membership of Ihawu Shooting Club and Mapstone Shooting Range.
o Invited to Attend Organised Ihawu Club Shoots at Ihawu and Mapstone Shooting Ranges.
o Access to Mapstone Shooting Range on Non-Club days.
o Option to be added to the Club WhatsApp groups.
o Option to Purchase 2023 Club Shirt.
o Ihawu range fees reduced from R80.00 to R40.00 for the duration of 2023 membership.
o Mapstone Range fees for Ihawu club shoots held at the Mapstone Shooting Range reduced from R80.00 to R40.00 for the duration of 2023.
Gold membership - R1 250 per year
o Membership of Ihawu Shooting Club.
o Invited to Attend Organised Ihawu Club Shoots at Ihawu Shooting Ranges.
o Option to be added to the Club WhatsApp groups.
o Option to Purchase 2023 Club Shirt.
o Includes all range fees at Ihawu Shooting Range for the duration of 2023 membership.
silver membership - R850 per year
o Membership of Ihawu Shooting Club.
o Invited to Attend Organised Ihawu Club Shoots at Ihawu Shooting Ranges.
o Option to be added to the Club WhatsApp groups.
o Option to Purchase 2023 Club Shirt.
o Includes all range fees at Ihawu Shooting Range for the duration of 2023 membership.
New members R200 joining fee should the membership lapse, the joining fee will need to be paid again.